So I got my third medal from Competitor today! Wooooot! Except-
Okay, so I earned this one too. But where's my Desert Double Down, hmm? Perhaps in tomorrow's mail??
Ps, I know I owe an explanation about Janathon. The short story is that Sick, the Sonata became Sick, The Symphony and I actually, physically, literally was unable to finish the last three days. I say it like that because the truth is, after 28 straight days of (albeit sometimes lame) effort, I wasn't going to take any prisoners. Nothing short of being physically incapable was going to stop me.
Yeah. I was physically incapable. Take my word for it; I cried blood and considered going out for a feverish crawl, but I couldn't manage it. Fukkin sucked, my dudes. Especially since I'm sure it'll make me want to do its daddy event, Juneathon, which will be suicidal here on the surface of the sun...but maybe I'll grow some sense by then and be able to let it go. Time shall tell!